
AMA Ama Roma!

OK, fairs fair...yesterday I was complaining about the rubbish on the streets of Rome and I have to say a big Thank You to AMA as they really did take my woes to heart and came over to clean up the offending trash. I doubt a British or American counterpart would have been so conscientious and if you don't believe me ask the citizens of New York who don't live on Mayor Bloomberg's street!

As you may know I come from a journalism background but I now sort of work with fashion brands. So, having come from a sector as far removed from fashion as possible I had the usual preconceptions about the fashion world and I have to say I have come across some really smart and talented cookies, such as the fashion team at Cosmopolitan UK. But thanks to the way the industry now works and the obligation that the public be fed "newness" these talented individuals make our monthly fashion reads accessible and enjoyable while they as people truly shine in private. Once in a while though someone does come along who openly forces us to think about the hype we buy in to without sermonising but by using gentle irony so hats off to IhurtIaminFashion...a welcome, thought provoking look at those trendy, high caliber magazine shoots!

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